Old Wax Melts Can Become A Handy Starter For Bonfires

Lighting a fire might seem like a simple task, but sometimes, it can be a struggle to get it going. In these situations, whether you're dealing with damp logs or blowing wind, a fire starter is your best bet. These simple items include a component that can easily light as well as a component that will burn for an extended period of time, which gives you more of a chance of starting a lasting flame than simply relying on kindling. You can buy these fire starters pre-made, but you can also easily create some yourself using old wax melts.

Having a few fire starters on hand is helpful for people that frequently enjoy camping, but they can also be used for lighting fireplaces, grills, and backyard bonfires. Additionally, they are a great item to keep on hand in a home safety kit in the case of emergencies or natural disasters. Having the ability to light a fire in unfavorable conditions can save you from a cold, dark, and hungry night in the case of a power outage or evacuation.

How to create your own fire starters

To create your own fire starters, you'll need three ingredients you likely already have lying around the house: some dryer lint, a paper egg carton, and old wax melts. To begin, place a bit of dryer lint in each cup of the paper egg carton, making sure to not pack it so tightly that there isn't any empty space left. Next, melt down your wax melts. You can do this by using your regular warmer, in the microwave, or by submerging them in a metal bowl in a pot of boiling water.

Next, carefully pour the melted wax over each of your filled egg carton slots. On this step, exercise caution, make sure you're pouring slowly, and protect your hands from heat. Melted wax is very hot, and a large spill can be quite damaging both to your skin and any surrounding surfaces. Allow everything to cool, cut each of your egg slots, and you have a collection of ready-to-use homemade fire starters. You can also wrap each of your cut starters with a bit of twine or an old candle wick for even easier lighting.

What else you can use

This DIY is fairly simple, and as long as you follow a basic formula, you'll be left with a useful result. Dryer lint can be swapped for pretty much anything else flammable, like dried grasses, pine cones, and leaves. You can even use paper towels, an especially helpful tip to remember if you happen to spill while melting or pouring your wax. Sop up the liquid with a paper towel, let it cool and place it right in the carton like you would with the lint.

You're also not limited to using just wax melts. If you made an error while burning a decorative candle and it's tunneling, consider melting down the leftover wax and using it for the same purpose. For a more controlled application, you can also burn a tapered candle and drip the wax over each of your starters until you're satisfied with the final result. These fire starters are quite literally built to burn, so try to look around your house and backyard to find things you're able to give a second life rather than heading to the store.