The Unexpected Culinarycore Decor Trend That Uses Food To Inspire Home Design

Did you predict foodies would be the next fans to get their own "core" in aesthetic home decorating? If so, winner, winner, chicken dinner because you were absolutely right. Culinarycore takes inspiration from the colors and shapes of favorite foods and incorporates them into interior design. We're talking about everything from paint colors and window treatments to pillows and lighting.


While some other core aesthetics stick to variations of colors like green or pink, culinarycore spans the spectrum. This trend can take hue cues from any food favorites you may have, from spicy Sriracha red to rich cucumber green to bright apricot-esque orange. Shapes also come into play when you hunt down pillows designed to look like delicious apples or lamps mimicking vanilla ice cream cones. Your finished room can be as kitschy as you like, or you can tastefully incorporate a lovely color that reminds you of your favorite eats (or drinks).

How culinarycore differs from food-themed décor

What's the difference between culinarycore and food-themed décor? The truth is, they're very closely related. So, if you've had a vintage champagne poster in your dining room or a fruit-shaped cookie jar in your kitchen forever, you've already been embracing food-themed décor. Culinarycore takes the idea one step further by exhibiting color and shape ideas inspired by a particular food or drink.


For instance, you can paint your bedroom a peachy-pink color if you're a shrimp lover or your bathroom a lovely shade of blue based on your favorite flavor of shaved ice, or your living room a cool green if you love spinach. Want to take that champagne print to the next level? Paint your room a color that brings to mind the color of bubbly or even the label of your favorite brand. Once you start thinking in the culinarycore direction, the ideas will flow endlessly.

Subtle culinarycore touches to avoid overdoing it

You've considered decorating an entire room around your love of lemons (or any other food or drink you can't get enough of) and think it'll be a bit much. We get it. Keeping it tasteful can mean adding hints of lemon yellow to a room rather than saturating it with such a bright color. You'll find curtains, lamps, and other decorative touches in this bright hue that can add a lemony burst to your abode without going overboard. You can also consider painting the walls a muted shade of yellow, pick up some artwork featuring lemons, and let that be an ample nod to your favorite fruit.


This idea works for anything from chocolate brown to eggplant purple and every other food color in between. If you're obsessed with any particular food or just food in general, it's easy to decorate a tasteful room that adds as much or as little of those food-driven colors, shapes, and images as you like. 

