Use Baby Oil To Leave Your Stainless Steel Appliances Shiny

Stainless steel isn't as stainless as its name makes it seem. The material has a tendency to show every fingerprint, drip, and oil splatter that makes contact with its surface, making it relatively high maintenance. But one of the best ways to get rid of these streaks and smudges is baby oil.


If you have ever tried wiping down your fridge or dishwasher with a regular cleaning spray, you will know that it usually leaves behind streaks. While the baby oil won't replace the cleaning spray since you need it to clean dirt and grime off of the appliance, it will come in handy to buff out any streaks. 

Grab a microfiber or cotton cloth, and add a dab of oil to its center. Then, begin to wipe in the direction of the grain. Flip the fabric over to the dry side, and use it to buff the oil into the material, working up a clean shine.

Why this works

Baby oil contains mineral oil, which is known for its lubricating properties. When you apply it to stainless steel, it forms a thin, even layer that helps reduce friction between the metal and paper towel, reducing the sign of streaks.


In addition to that, it can help fill in tiny imperfections or micro scratches on your fridge or dishwasher, creating a nice smoothing effect. By creating a smoother surface, it enhances the reflectivity of the steel, making it appear shinier. (Just note this only works on small scuffs — it won't work on deep scratches.)

Another thing that adds to the shine is baby oil's moisturizing effect. The product usually contains aloe vera or Vitamin E, which leaves a thin film on the steel. This can add a nice, subtle sheen to the appliance, making it look polished and brand new. However, this is a temporary fix. You will need to repeat this weekly or biweekly to keep your appliances looking their best.


You can also use mineral oil or olive oil as well

If you don't have baby oil handy, food-grade mineral or olive oil are great substitutes. Mineral oil is the most preferred one out of all three, so if you go to the store to buy a product, zero in on this one. (One of the reasons baby oil is recommended is because it contains mineral oil.)


Mineral oil is preferred because it is odorless, unlike baby oil, which has added fragrances, and doesn't break down, unlike olive oil, which is organic and comes from plants. It has great oxidation properties, which protect the steel from rust and corrosion, and repels water, helping keep streaks and water marks off your appliances. But if you don't have a bottle of mineral oil in your pantry, then the other two picks are great substitutes. They will achieve the same thing without harming your appliances. 

