The Useful Trick To Properly Hang Vertical Artwork Every Time

Hanging artwork isn't always easy, especially if it's not a typical horizontal piece. Figuring out how to showcase vertical artwork like a poster can be challenging since it usually looks awkward if placed in the wrong spot. Fortunately, there's a trick you can use to hang vertical art properly every time. All you need to do is lower it until the upper third of the artwork is at the height of your eye. This should harmonize with the rest of the elements in the room.


Frankly, if your artwork is vertical, there's no exact measurement you can use to find an ideal placement. This has to do with the fact that each piece may be a different size — the same goes for your wall and furniture. At the same time, a few factors tend to apply to almost every circumstance. For instance, although you might assume that you should move the piece higher to use the full height of the wall, the art could end up too close to the ceiling, making the space seem cluttered and crowded. This is why you may want to try adjusting the typical 57-inch rule. Or, for this to truly work, you may have to ditch the commonly used center guideline advice completely.

The 57-inch rule doesn't always apply to vertical artwork

When it comes to the 57-inch rule, to understand why this particular method might not apply in this case, you first need to understand what exactly it is. The rule relies on the idea that artwork should be put up so that the middle of the piece is exactly 57 inches above the floor. It's the same height you'll generally find art displayed in a gallery. This is because the human eye can comfortably reach around 57 inches high. That's why this level will not only create the ideal distance between the art and the floor but should also create a balance between the placement of the work and the usual height of various pieces of furniture that the artwork might be above or around.


However, this rule might not work as you intend if your art has a different shape or orientation. For instance, if the piece is vertical, you need to keep the idea behind the technique in mind while adjusting it to suit your needs. You can always rely on another simple method if you're unsure if the piece is in the right spot. Just get someone to help you by holding the artwork at different heights. This will allow you to decide what looks best on the wall and is the most comfortable for the eye.

Ideal spots to hang vertical artwork

Figuring out the right height for your vertical art is just one part of properly hanging the piece. You also want to consider ideal spots that will suit its shape. First, some classic choices work for various formats, thanks to the fact that it makes excellent use of the space while also fitting the multiple pieces neatly and in a complementary way. That includes hanging artwork above furniture like a hallway bench, a bedroom dresser, a living room side table, or even a fireplace. 


Although hanging a piece by an armchair will also work, you might want to place it beside the chair instead of above it so you don't have to put the art too high. Beyond that, while you might assume that a tall wall is your best bet for a vertical piece, a wide wall is also an ideal space. The same goes for any accent wall, one at the end of a long hallway or a relatively narrow wall.

Of course, each home and piece of art are different, so you may want to play around with other options until you find the right spot. Don't be afraid to opt for an unexpected location if that works best, and don't forget about lighting to ensure the piece can truly shine.

