For Expertly Scaled Artwork Above Your Bed, Use This Easy Measuring Rule

Artwork can be one of the most singular elements in our homes that helps define our style and give rooms a sense of depth and dimension. This is true in any room, but particularly the bedroom, which is the last thing we see at night before sleep and the first room we encounter in the morning. Placing artwork in bedrooms can be tricky, however, since it's often a room with many egresses (bathrooms, dressing rooms, closets) and large furniture pieces like beds, armoires, and bureaus. Above the bed can be particularly challenging, since it's often a focal point of the room and is often already encumbered by things like windows and headboards.

TikToker @the_avantgarde recently posted some simple guidelines that will help you determine the artwork that is the perfect scale for this prominent bedroom spot, using simple measurements and percentages that will have your art looking perfect every time. This is a great guideline for the space over the bed, but also over other larger pieces like low dressers and entertainment consoles.

Scale and artwork

According to @the_avantgarde, the secret to perfectly scaled artwork in carefully designed bedrooms is a distinct set of numbers. Above the bed, you should aim for artwork or configurations of pieces that occupy 60%-75% of the horizontal space above the bed. Additionally, it should occupy the same percentage of vertical space between the top of the headboard and the ceiling.

This means there should be an equal distance between the edges of the frames and the sides of the bed. Ditto from the ceiling to the top of the piece, and the bottom to the top of the headboard. If you are installing more than one piece, the overall span of the art — end to end and top to bottom — should aim for these measurements within the available space. The ideal placement is no less than a hand's width from the top of the headboard. Keeping these measurements in mind will balance the sale of the hung work with the scale of the furniture, making the space look far more intentional in its pairings. 

Other tips for hanging art above your bed

You will also want to make sure that the center point of your artwork is aligned with the center of the bed for symmetry and balance. This includes the space between two pieces or the center of a trio or gallery-style cluster. For a bolder, more daring approach, you can also purposely hang it asymmetrically, which often calls greater attention to smaller pieces of art and is a hallmark of Scandinavian rooms.

Another tip for hanging art above your bed includes consideration of the art itself. Experts advise saving bolder and more dynamic pieces for above the bed since it's the primary focal point when you enter the room. However, you should hang calmer, more subdued artwork within eyeshot when you are actually in bed, allowing a more calming and relaxing view. You can also mix smaller pieces of art in with small shelves, sconces, and wall-mounted plants to increase the size and scale of an arrangement, though keep in mind not to hang anything that may fall onto your bed when you're in it, particularly in earthquake-prone areas. If you are worried about weight, consider a peel & stick mural or accent wall above the bed for creating a focal point.
