Ty Pennington Has One Useful Furniture Placement Tip To Add Interest To Your Living Room

Furniture placement can elevate or ruin your living room's ambiance. You want to create an inviting, cozy, and comfortable space for your family and guests. Figuring out the best way to set up your furniture can feel limiting when you have walls enclosing the space or an open layout. However, you don't need an in-depth strategic way for your furniture placement — they simply need to be slanted.


HGTV's "Battle on the Beach" interior designer Ty Pennington suggests slanting your furniture to add interest to your living room. You don't need expensive furniture to make your space look luxurious; slightly slanting them will draw attention to them.

When configuring furniture around your living room, consider how you want it to look when people first enter it. Pennington told House Beautiful, "Individual pieces set at a slant evoke a much more interesting and engaging perspective." Angling your furniture can transform your space by making it appear larger, creating a better flow, and softening harsh lines. Here's how to incorporate Pennington's tip in your home.

Take advantage of curved furniture

Living rooms can be designed in many ways. You can have a traditional living room with three walls enclosing the space, an open sans-wall layout, or an awkward layout with slanted walls. As Ty Pennington suggests, slanting your furniture is the best way to make your living room interesting.


For example, if you have a traditional living room that's rectangular and slightly cramped, you don't have to line up your furniture along the wall. Instead, you might angle the couch diagonally along two walls and put a chair on either side to create a curved effect. Moreover, having a rug that mimics the couch anchors them to the living room, making the TV the focal point if they're facing it.

However, if you have an awkward or open layout, curved furniture can help take the room's look to the next level. Its round edges will give the space a softened look and a welcoming feel. They won't look awkward in front or beside slanted walls because multiple straight edges won't overlap. You can still slant curved furniture, especially in an open layout.


They take up more room, so you'll be able to use fewer items and prevent overcrowding in the living room. In addition, it's an excellent way to add interest and texture, and you can incorporate them with other curved or rounded items like coffee tables or end tables.

Add mirrors to your living room

If you struggle with making your living feel open and airy, Ty Pennington advises hanging a few mirrors on the walls to make the walls retreat. Mirrors are ideal for every room — when you hang them, they reflect everything across from it. So if you have any-sized window in your living room, place a mirror in front of it to reflect the outdoors and light coming inside. It'll make the living brighter and more expansive and help make the walls disappear from the room.


In addition, hanging mirrors can help guide where you place your furniture. For example, use mirrors as art and display one that will fill up more than half of your largest wall. Then, situate your couch below it, and everything else will fall into place. Or, put your sofa diagonally across to walls and place a mirror right across it. If you have two adjacent windows, the light that filters will reflect the mirror and illuminate the rest of the room. Slanting furniture and hanging mirrors are the dynamic duos that will turn a mundane living room into an enticing and comfortable space.

