Does TikTok's Hack Of Unclogging A Toilet With Plastic Wrap Work?

While they're never particularly convenient, toilet clogs happen, and sometimes, there is no plunger handy. Luckily, if you find yourself in a pinch, several TikTok creators have suggested a solution that uses something you're more likely to have stored away in your home: plastic wrap. While it might seem a bit unconventional, this hack uses the same basic principles that allow a typical plunger to unclog your toilet, just without having to store an additional item in your bathroom for emergencies.


Toilet clogs can happen for a myriad of reasons — too much toilet paper at once, attempting to flush non-flushable materials like cotton balls or feminine hygiene products, or accidentally dropping in objects like keys or kids' toys — but, regardless of the situation, you're facing a consistent issue. The clog is blocking your toilet's ability to flush, so, unless you're able to remove the clog by hand, you need to utilize suction to dislodge it. Plungers do this by creating a seal around the bottom of the bowl to essentially pull up the clog and force it through, but plastic wrap can perform a similar function if you're able to create an airtight seal on the top of the bowl.

How to use this hack on your own toilet

To do this yourself, all you need is your toilet and a roll of plastic wrap. Start by lifting the seat if it's down so you can create a direct seal on the bowl. Having the seat down allows air to slip through the sides, so you wouldn't be creating any of the necessary suction to clear the clog. In a TikTok by Garg Team Realtors, they use two separate pieces of plastic wrap with some significant overlap in the middle to ensure there aren't any gaps.


From there, flush your toilet again. This is where the process deviates from using a typical plunger, but this additional flush is necessary to create a bubble of air under the plastic wrap. Once you notice that the plastic has inflated a bit, push down on this air bubble to force the clog through the pipes and out of the bowl. Remove the wrap and flush one more time to test that everything is clear, and you should ideally be back to your regular clean, functional toilet. 

What to keep in mind with this hack

This hack is a solid method for when you're dealing with clogs from toilet paper, but if you're attempting to flush something that's not intended to go down the toilet, it's not the best choice. This approach pushes the blockage down the pipe, which, if you're up against something like a stuck toy because of curious kids, will only cause you more problems down the line. Instead, try to remove these other blockages by hand. Having to stick your hands in the toilet isn't ideal, and you'll want to use gloves if it comes to that, but you can also use something like a pair of tongs to give you more distance if necessary. 


Additionally, if your toilet is clogged to the point that it's overflowing, it's a better idea to temporarily turn off the water and use a regular plunger, even if that means a run to the hardware store. This method requires you to flush an additional time, which will add more water to the bowl and worsen the issue. With a regular plunger, you're usually able to dislodge the clog without additional flushes, but if you're not seeing progress, it might be time to call a plumber to clear any blockages that have traveled further into your pipes.

