Does This TikTok Trend Save You From Ticks When Gardening?

Fact: Ticks are icky. We can all agree that anything that attaches to your body to feed on your blood is gross, but the very real health concerns connected to these parasitic arachnids are even more concerning. In areas where ticks are prominent, gardeners must protect themselves. Although there are many sprays and repellants on the market, TikTok user @lakynsappalachianlife shared a simple duct tape trick that may help protect you with its sticky surface.

Gardeners are not the only ones who can benefit from this TikTok trend. Since ticks tend to congregate in shady areas with tall grass and shrubs, anyone who spends time in nature should take steps to protect themselves. Hikers and people living in rural areas will likely become prey to ticks. If this insect bites you, the best-case scenario is you are itchy for a few days. The worst-case scenario involves serious diseases, including Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, per the Minnesota Department of Health. Skip the risk, and take extra precautions when you are outdoors where ticks may be present.

The duct tape tick trap trend

There are two ways to use duct tape to avoid ticks. The first is as a preventative measure. Several TikTokers, including gardeners and campers, are wrapping duct tape around their ankles and lower legs to catch those creepy crawlies before they even have a chance to access skin. To try this trend, tuck your pants into your socks and shoes and tape them together so no ticks can crawl inside your pant legs. (We cannot stress enough that you do not want to do this on bare skin!) Then, turn the tape sticky side out and wrap it around your pants, starting at your ankle as well as higher up on your leg. Since many ticks come from ground level, this acts as a sticky trap to capture them quickly.

TikToker Insect Shield recommends using duct tape to collect ticks that are already crawling on your clothes. If you see any blood-thirsty bugs crawling up your pants or anywhere else on your clothing, simply take a small section of duct tape, apply the sticky side to the area, and it will collect all the ticks. Repeat as necessary until you are bug-free.

Other ways to protect yourself from ticks

While this TikTok trend is a great way to keep ticks from crawling up your legs, it will not save you entirely. If you are gardening, your hands, knees, and feet may all come in contact with tick-infested spaces. The same is true when you are hiking or walking through tall grass. If you live in an area where these pests are a known problem, take a multi-level approach to protect yourself.

Always wear appropriate clothing, including long-sleeved shirts, pants, socks, and boots if possible. Thick fabrics are best because they are less likely to be penetrated by a tick bite. According to the CDC, it's also crucial to treat your clothing with a product containing 0.05% permethrin and an EPA-approved insect repellant. When you come inside from your outdoor adventures, take a shower to wash off any crawling buggers, then check your entire body with the help of a mirror to make sure that you can immediately remove any ticks that did attach. Don't forget to thoroughly check any equipment before bringing it inside.
