Here's Why You Should Put A Gazing Ball In Your Garden

Gardens serve as sanctuaries for plants, wildlife, and gardeners, providing them with an ideal environment to flourish. To create a captivating and harmonious space, gardeners often incorporate various decorative elements to complement their plants. One such addition that offers benefits not only in terms of aesthetics but also for plant health is the gazing ball. These mesmerizing, reflective spheres have the power to diffuse light, regulate temperature, and increase plant photosynthesis, all while adding a touch of mystique to a garden. Not only do gazing balls benefit plants but they have been known to increase a sense of tranquility for gardeners, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

Moreover, gazing balls have an intriguing history that dates back centuries. Originating in 13th-century Venice, these reflective orbs were believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune. They were traditionally placed in gardens to create a sense of enchantment and mystery. By incorporating a gazing ball in your garden, you not only add a touch of history but also connect with the age-old tradition of incorporating decorative elements into outdoor spaces.

Benefits to plant health

Gazing balls harness the power of bringing prosperity to the plants in your garden through their magnetic nature. Choose a gazing ball that is made from stainless steel and it will render static electricity from the environment around it, which has many benefits for nearby plants. Electroculture has a long history of use in farming to expedite plant growth and increase yields in crops. This is partly due to the belief that electricity elevates soil temperature in addition to increasing moisture, both of which are paramount to healthy plant growth.

With their magnetic capabilities, gazing balls can also increase the levels of nitrogen in the surrounding air and soil through their possession of static electricity. The added nitrogen uptake allows the plants to build strong chlorophyll molecules in order to photosynthesize more efficiently, thereby allowing plants to grow faster and produce more fruits or vegetables. The added nitrogen will not only make the plants stronger but will also increase the vibrant green colors of their leaves.

Having a reflective surface in the garden will also benefit plants by projecting the sun's rays onto the plants, increasing photosynthesis. The round nature of the gazing ball can reflect the sun from all angles in the sky, providing light to plants that may be shaded by taller ones or nearby structures. Ultimately, gazing balls are an eco-friendly addition that can improve plant health without the need for harmful synthetic chemicals.

Added gains in the garden

Not only will a gazing ball ward off evil spirits from your garden, but it will also deter some common pests. While some say that shiny objects have been known to attract birds, having several reflective objects or textured objects that reflect light in different patterns has been shown to deter birds as they are afraid of their reflection. Placing several gazing balls in a garden can prevent birds from picking at ripening fruit or vegetables. The same can be said for deer and squirrels as they also dislike the reflection of the sun and can become disoriented by shiny objects. Thus, a gazing ball can be a great garden accessory that provides an affordable and chemical-free solution for warding off hungry pests from feasting in the garden.

Another benefit of adding a gazing ball to your garden is the attraction of pollinators. Bees, moths, and butterflies, all of which pollinate the flowers in a garden, are attracted to light, so the sun's reflection from the gazing ball should welcome these beneficial insects to your flowering plants. For edible gardens, the attraction of bees and other pollinators is crucial in order to produce a higher yield of crops. Additionally, well-pollinated fruit and vegetables are often bigger and more flavorful. 
