Bobby Berk's Shower Ring Hack Will Revolutionize Your Closet Storage

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No matter your closet's size, there are always items that don't quite fit the mold but still need a place to live, and sometimes storing these items away can create clutter or make your space look disorganized. If you've been looking for a way to optimize your closet storage, consider then this simple shower ring trick from "Queer Eye"'s Bobby Berk. Not only will this hack make your space look neater and more functional, but it's inexpensive, too.

By adding shower rings to a plastic or metal hanger, you can instantly create storage for everything from belts and scarves to hats. The rings are easy to add or remove and can provide a place to hang accessories that would otherwise require a drawer, bin, basket, or some other item that could take up valuable shelf or floor space.

The best part of Berk's hack is that it still looks fashionable and organized while letting you display a good deal more items in your previously limited closet, proving that you shouldn't look past the usefulness of an item just because of its size.

Shower rings provide extra hanging room

To channel Bobby Berk's hack, all you'll need is a pack of shower rings. Plastic shower rings are a great option, as they come in different colors to match different hangers and don't succumb to rust. Metal will also work, but is best used in a closet that doesn't sit near your bathroom or an area that's prone to humidity or moisture, which can corrode it. Once you've purchased the shower rings, pick a few empty hangers and clasp them onto the hanger's crossbar. You can slip scarves and belts through the hoop, or open the clasp to slip hats that have an opening on the back.

For best practices, keep the number of rings to five or six maximum per hanger. This will keep the items displayed looking orderly, rather than multiple pieces overlapping and getting tangled among one another. Allowing each accessory proper airflow will also keep them from holding onto odors or collecting more dust, which can be a common problem in any closet storage thanks to shedding fibers.

Other ways to use shower rings in your closet

A pack of shower rings costs as little as $5, which makes this hack from Bobby Berk a budget-friendly addition to any closet. This trend isn't just for accessories either, though it definitely solves the problem of where to keep smaller items. You can also apply shower rings to your closet rail and hang pants from them by connecting the belt loops to the rungs. One TikTok video shows user @elnazhamai hanging tops and purses from these tools as well, though they're a different model than the standard circular shower rings.

You can play around with the shape and make of your shower rings, but the results are all the same: You'll instantly have more storage space in your closet. As this organizational trick proves, when it comes to making space in your home, consider working smarter, not harder. After all, in an age filled with special media hacks, there are seemingly multiple uses for and ways to repurpose every home appliance and tool — including, it turns out, the shower ring.
