Out Of Wood Polisher? The Solution Might Be In Your Fridge

Real wood furniture is absolutely gorgeous to look at, but it can be a little high maintenance. Since wood is so porous and somewhat delicate, you have to use specialty cleaning products, unlike low-maintenance materials like MDF that you can simply wipe down. High-quality wood polish can get a little pricey, though. More than that, if you run out, you're left with dirty wood furniture in need of cleaning but no materials to accomplish the task.

There are other materials that can be used to clean and polish wood furniture, though. In fact, one of those tools may be something you already keep stocked in your fridge or pantry. Surprisingly, flat beer can be used as an efficient wood polisher. Dab a little bit of flat beer onto a soft, non-abrasive cloth, and rub it into your wood furniture. The end result will be a shiny, rejuvenated wood surface — just don't go overkill and douse it in beer, as it may result in a strong smell and sticky residue.

Other wood polish alternatives

If you don't have any beer in your house, or the smell turns you away from using it as wood furniture polish, there are other items you likely have in your kitchen pantry you could use to make a DIY polish. Most wood polishes are made of some kind of conditioning oil, something to disinfect the table, and something to remove stains, all of which can easily be replicated at home.

All you'll need is vinegar, olive oil, and lemon juice. Start by mixing together equal parts white distilled vinegar and high-quality olive oil. Then, add half that amount of fresh lemon juice. The vinegar acts as a disinfectant and deodorizer, the olive oil conditions the wood and gives it that classic shine, and the lemon juice adds a nice fragrance and removes any stains. You can dip a cloth directly into the mixing bowl or add it to a spray bottle first. Thoroughly rub the homemade polish into your furniture, going in the direction of the grain, until it's polished and clean.