Breegan Jane Describes How Couples Can Both Get What They Want When Decorating - Exclusive

For many couples, moving in together is both an exciting and challenging experience. While it's a big step to make the commitment and blend your lives together, the melding of lifestyles and interior styles can be tricky to navigate. There are plenty of tips for combining furniture, decor, and overall style into one cohesive home, but for interior designer Breegan Jane, it's more about the investment you make together.

"The bigger conversation there was making these important, first-time purchases and the value add that can give you in terms of making the right investments in real estate," Jane said of her show "The House My Wedding Bought" in an exclusive interview with House Digest. "[That] is more and more becoming a part of the conversation of the cost of a wedding and whether or not that's a good choice, or if investment in future ownership is a better use of a big chunk of your savings."

When you're planning on investing a lot of money in a home together, you want it to be a place that you both love. Whether your styles are completely different or you're just having trouble making the little decisions, there are ways that input from both sides of the couple can be weighed equally.

Weigh what's most important

Whether you're building a home from the ground up or you're making cosmetic changes, there are plenty of decisions and opinions to go around. "When it's the first house, there [are] some choices that you need to make and some things that people get fixated on," Breegan Jane told us. "It was as much about making good decisions as it was [about] who's going to win." And you shouldn't go into decorating with your partner with the mentality of wanting to win out on all the decisions — some give and take is needed so the space reflects both of you.

"Blue tile or pink tile in the kitchen is sometimes less important," Jane continued. "One of the things I used to tell those couples was to have your one non-negotiable for the wedding and have your one non-negotiable for the house, and everything else should be negotiable." Choose one item in the house or even one thing per room that you really want, and work together to make all the other design and decor decisions. "[The non-negotiable is] one thing that you're not going to argue about. You each get one, and then everything else should be negotiable."

To keep up with Breegan Jane's latest projects, visit her website and follow her on Instagram.
