A Home For Sale In California Has A Multi-Story Firefighter Pole And More Odd Features

While a golden firefighter pole doesn't exactly scream "Victorian decor," these two elements are paired in a unique home that's currently on the market awaiting a new owner. Located in Visalia, California, this 1931 three-bedroom, four-bathroom property nicknamed "Laurelwood" is currently priced at $639,000 (via Zillow). If the price shocks you (especially for California), you're not alone, as many wonder why it's so low. However, one commenter on Zillow Gone Wild's Instagram explains, "Any of us who grew up in the Central Valley understand why this only costs $600k. [You] couldn't pay me to move back to the armpit of CA."

One thing that can't be said about this property is that it's boring. The exterior looks classic, while the interior's design is ... well, interesting. One Instagram commenter said, "Love the outside. The inside is horrendous." After checking out the following images, you may find yourself in agreement — or fall in love with this quirky home.

Interesting choice of transportation between floors

In a typical home, a firefighter pole would be seen as a quirky and possibly fun element — for some people, at least. But in a classic, Victorian-style home? You won't be alone if you think it's quite out of place. The golden pole extends between the first and second floors and is situated next to a black spiral staircase. Sliding down this pole would carry you from a billiards room with a sitting area and wooden floors to a colorful carpeted living space on the main level. Above the spiral staircase and pole is a round stained glass skylight that shines a floral pattern into the one-of-a-kind space. 

If neither the pole nor spiral staircase suits you, another far more ordinary staircase can be used to reach the second floor. Still, even that is adorned with a luxurious carpet that offers an eye-catching tan and black floral pattern to keep things interesting. This area also features a stained glass window behind the staircase in the adjoining room to the right.

Another firefighting feature

Those who like gathering around the fireplace on cold nights should enjoy this home's conversation pit, which is flanked by ornate columns and offers a detailed wooden mantel. The fireplace is surrounded by a leather couch, which matches the seating in the kitchen's interesting breakfast nook. A window to the left of the fireplace features a stained glass element, adding to the room's eye-catching design. Perhaps attempting to match the firefighter pole, this space also displays a bright red fire hydrant that serves as the base of a golden floor lamp. One of the commenters on Zillow Gone Wild's Instagram post jokes, "Homeowners insurance should be a breeze with that fire hydrant right in the living room."

Overall, most commenters on Instagram were confused about the home, and it's hard to blame them. One hilariously added, "This looks like someone used the Sims game and designed a real house." Another person commented on the unique mix of features, offering, "'Why not everything?'"