The TikTok Shower Curtain Hack That Will Make Your Bathroom Feel More Luxurious

When it comes to decorating your home, you're probably a little more eager to tackle more versatile rooms with more creative potential, like your living room, bedroom, or even kitchen. The bathroom often gets left at the very end with little to no enthusiasm — there's only so much you can do with the space given.

Those with minimalist preferences likely don't have too much work, but if you prefer a more luxurious or maximalist feel in your design, that shouldn't mean your bathroom has to be left out. There are a few big statement decoration pieces in the small room, like bath mats, towel color schematics, and, most importantly, shower curtains. A simple shower curtain on its own can make or break your bathroom, but it doesn't have to end there. Even the most luxurious shower curtains can be upgraded with this simple, easy, and wildly effective hack circulating on TikTok.

Two curtain panels

Shower curtains already have the power to transform your bathroom, whether you have a fun print or fancy curtains. However, a simple addition can take your bathroom from average to luxurious. Home design TikTok user @katiepellegrinodecor suggests using two shower curtain panels instead of one to elevate the space.

This is as simple as getting two matching shower curtains or waterproof curtain panels and hanging them on your shower rod, sliding each to opposite ends. This frames your shower, similar to a window, helping it not look so bulky and utilitarian. You could leave it at this or do as @designertip recommends for an extra pop. Instead of simply adding double curtains to your existing shower rod, swap them out for two tension rods. You could also use this as an opportunity to add some glamor with gold hardware. On the back tension rod, add your clear liner curtain and the two panels to the outside. This allows you to discreetly and conveniently hide the liner, as well as raise the height of the rods and, subsequently, curtains, making your bathroom feel larger and your shower more luxe.
