The Best Safety Purchase You Can Make For Your Fireplace

There is something comforting and soothing about a crackling wood fire, however, the dangers of an open flame make it vitally important that you take steps to ensure you're using your fireplace safely. The best safety purchase you can make for your fireplace is one that will give you peace of mind knowing that all potential risks have been minimized. A spark arrestor serves two key functions — protection from dangerous sparks and embers causing a fire, and preventing animals or debris from being able to enter the chimney. 

Golden Gate Chimney describes a chimney spark arrestor as a strong metal mesh guard that allows smoke and hot air out while keeping sparks in check. Crafted with stainless steel (or another fire-resistant material) for extra durability even when exposed to extreme heat, the installation of this nifty device not only keeps things around safer but also helps protect your chimney from clogs and debris buildup. Many local building codes require that a spark arrestor be in place, but even if it isn't mandatory where you live, having one can score you discounts on your insurance premiums.

Types of Spark Arrestors

People often confuse spark arrestors with chimney caps, but their functions are different. The chimney cap guards against anything that might try to get in. Although spark arrestors are also a type of guard, they are designed to keep watch over stray embers and prevent them from exiting the chimney while allowing smoke and gasses to escape. And, in case a fire starts within the stack, this device can actually help control the flames and keep them there rather than spreading. They come in two forms — an internal one, which sits just above your fire, and the other at the very top of your chimney.

Exterior spark arrestors are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, depending on the type of chimney your home has, and some models are specifically designed for wood-burning furnaces. If you're handy, you can install an interior spark arrestor yourself, but for the model that attaches to the top of the chimney, it is advisable to hire a fireplace professional to do the work for you.
