The Simple Hack That Will Pick Up What Your Broom And Dustpan Missed

Maids in Brown note that keeping your surfaces clean, especially the floors, is important for a happy, healthy home. Regular sweeping removes bacteria and pollutants that can be easily kicked up as people move from room to room, and also gets rid of allergens.


However, is there anything more frustrating than the line of dirt that collects between your broom and dustpan after a good sweep? Memes and hilarious videos are created in abundance to make fun of this common, yet extremely inconvenient, occurrence. So, what to do with this leftover dust? Sweep it under a cabinet or rug? Try and disperse it or scatter it until it disappears? Cry?

Thankfully there is at least one video out there with a solution. One Tik Tokker has come to save the day with her unique hack on grabbing that stubborn dirt line so you can look at your clean floors with pride. So what is this simple trick that has the internet going nuts? You'll be surprised you didn't think of it, but grateful that it's now at your disposal.


Try the paper towel hack

TikTok has become the go-to for many homeowners, thanks to all the videos circulating with tips and hacks for cleaning. One user, in particular, has thrilled followers with her trick to pick up dirt's last line of defense after a good sweep. Tik Tokker @Shimmyshim17 posted a video showing her wetting one end of a clean paper towel, then placing the moist side on the floor near the leftover dust pile.


Once the wet end of the paper towel is stuck to the floor, she uses a broom to sweep the remaining detritus onto it. The moisture holds all of the tiny particles and dust pieces, then she folds the dry end over and uses the entire piece to wipe up any excess that didn't stick to the wet towel. According to The Kitchn, paper towels aren't the only household items that can perform this trick — newspaper can also be used in the same way to pick up dirt and dust left over by the broom and dustpan.

Update your broom

While this hack might seem obvious, many users are raving over the genius behind it. Sweeping might not be your favorite job, but suggestions like these make it a whole lot easier. Detail Cleaning Service recommends sweeping up dirt and dust in two sections, creating fewer piles that are easier to tackle than multiple, smaller piles all over the room. This also helps you keep track of where the mess is located, lowering the chances of you or someone else traipsing through them.


To get the best sweep, it is important to use a broom that is in good condition. The bristles should all be pointing in the same direction to help minimize stray detritus. If your broom is old or has bristles that randomly stray from the rest, it could prevent a clean sweep, which will make more work in the long run. If your broom is looking past its best, treat yourself to a new one, then always keep a pack of paper towels on hand for the finishing touches, and viola: clean floors as far as the eye can see.

