Why You May Want To Avoid This Popular TikTok Air Freshener Hack
TikTok is famous or infamous for its cleaning hacks, and while some are helpful, others can leave you with more of an issue than you started with. One hack in particular, designed to help freshen up your spaces with a simple spritz, might result in the smell of burning instead of a lovely clean scent.
The "clean with me" side of TikTok has recently been filled with discourse-inducing videos like the sort originally posted by @genxgrl. In the short clip, a person grabs a can of Fabulosa aerosol disinfectant and uses it to blast out dust and grime on their radiator, an appliance that often doesn't get the same cleaning TLC as other spots in the house. While this sounds like a great idea at first glance — disinfecting, adding fragrance, and dusting in one — it can actually be dangerous. Keep reading to learn why and how you can add some freshness to your home and clean your radiator more safely.
Why this is dangerous
We've all seen videos of people making DIY flamethrowers out of hairspray or bug spray, and the same flammability carries over to aerosol cleaning products like Fabulosa, per FireProofDepot. Pair that with the radiator, an appliance designed to bring heat to your home, and you're looking at a recipe for disaster. This hack is best left untried unless you want to deal with the risk of a house fire.
On the flip side, however, this could work if your radiator is completely off and cool, as long as you give the product time to fully evaporate before turning your heat on. Unfortunately, few creators have led with this disclaimer, and in the cooler months, many of us have our heat running 24/7. Even if you're careful, there are better and more thorough ways to clean your radiator that don't carry the same risk. It's best to just deep clean seasonally so you won't have to deal with the annoying dust and decreased air quality in the first place.
Other options
To properly clean your radiator, all you need is a hair dryer and a vacuum, states Lifehacker. Before you turn your heat on for the first time, vacuum up any visible dust, careful not to push debris any deeper than it already is; then, to clear out those hard-to-reach spaces, use the blow dryer to dislodge what you can and vacuum as you go. If you'd rather go more hands-on, wrap something thin like a broomstick with a microfiber cloth and floss out the narrow spaces. Finish with a quick exterior wipe-down with a damp cloth or sponge, and you're good to go.
You may still be missing the lovely scent of an air freshener, so from there, just light a candle or spray the rest of your home for the same effect — just keep any aerosols away from the hot radiator. With this method, you'll improve your radiator's efficiency to cut heating costs, eliminate musty squash smells, and avoid the risk of accidentally setting your home on fire.