How Long Does A Quality HVAC System Last?

Heating and air conditioning are two fantastic home luxuries and even necessities, helping regulate the temperature of your home, preventing pipes from freezing in cold months, filtering out dust and other air pollutants, and more. That is, as long as they work.

Faulty or broken HVAC systems can cause a lot more harm than good. Some of the milder issues you can encounter with a defective HVAC unit are mold, mildew growth, and condensation damaging the structure of your home, per K&S Heating and Air. But more serious problems include dusty, unfiltered air circulating throughout the house and agitating your allergies or any respiratory issues and bacteria growing inside the unit and spreading through your vents. This is why it's crucial not only to choose a quality unit but also to know when it's time to replace it. While there are some telltale signs that it's time to replace your HVAC, you should also know their lifespan.

Expected lifespan

The longevity of your HVAC system solely depends on your system type and, of course, how well you take care of it. According to Sealed, the system with the longest life expectancy is a steam boiler, lasting anywhere from 15 to 35 years. Next are radiant heaters, expected to work for 15 to 20 years, then furnaces at 18 years. Most other systems, like whole home units, window ACs, and thermostats, average around 10 to 15 years, give or take a few.

If you have a simple whole home unit, factor in a replacement every 10 years to be safe. There are other factors that can accelerate or decelerate this process, like proper home insulation, the doors and windows being correctly sealed, getting it routinely checked out and maintained, and where you live. If you live somewhere exceptionally hot or cold, your HVAC will naturally work overtime, which can shorten its lifespan.

Ways to make your HVAC last longer

HVAC units can be expensive, so you'll want to do everything you can to preserve them. One of the most important aspects of an efficient heating and cooling system is to have it inspected at least once, if not twice, a year, per HB Home Service. During this inspection, technicians will look for potential issues, clean out the unit, oil the inner parts, and replace or repair anything that looks troublesome.

Another smaller, cost-efficient, but very effective step for a longer-lasting HVAC system is to replace your filters regularly — roughly every three months. Upgrading your thermostat can help you get better and more accurate control of your settings, as can the auto-fan setting, which can help you turn off your unit without significantly raising or lowering your home's temperature. The less your HVAC has to run, the longer it'll last. You should also check your home's insulation and sealing; if air can escape your home, your unit will have to run over time. Finally, ensure you're cleaning both the inside and outside of your unit. If you have an outdoor AC unit or window unit, remove dirt, debris, leaves, plants, weeds, etc.
