15 Tips For Organizing All Of Your Shoes

Take a quick peek inside your closet: What item is making the largest mess? If we had to guess, it's probably your shoe collection. While clothes can also appear disorderly, they can easily be tucked away into drawers or hung on hangers. Shoes are more difficult to corral, and if you don't create a system that works for you, they may end up in a massive heap on your floor.

There are a number of benefits that come with organizing your closet, per The Closet Works Inc. First, an orderly space could reduce your levels of stress and help you relax. It could also assist you in finding the clothes you need faster, which would in turn save you time and energy. When it comes to your shoe collection specifically, keeping them orderly will allow you to easily see all your options and could provide you with more storage space, either in the closet or the entryway. 

With all this in mind, below are 15 tips that will help you organize all your shoes.

1. Pair down your pairs

It's quite difficult to organize shoes when your collection is filled with broken or unused pairs. The first step is to throw away or donate any you no longer wear.

2. Separate them by seasons

If you still have an abundance of shoes after decluttering, think about separating them by season and storing those not in use with your other seasonal clothes.

3. Special occasions vs. everyday

Another way to organize your collection is by separating them by use. For instance, maybe you wear sneakers every day but heels only for special occasions. If so, you could keep your sneakers easily accessible and store your heels somewhere else.

4. Coordinate them by color

On the other hand, if you want all your shoes displayed, align them by color, which would make it easy to see your options. 

5. Determine the best destination

Next, you'll need to determine where you want your shoes stored. Maybe the closet is the best place, or perhaps the entryway would work better. If placing them by the front door, a shoe rack may be your best bet. 

6. Create space for your shoes

You may also need to make some room either in the closet or by the front door for all your shoes. For instance, decluttering your clothes would free up some space in the closet. 

7. Think outside (or inside) the box

Shoes can either be stored inside or outside of clear boxes. If you want to keep your shoes in pristine condition, place them inside bins. On the other hand, if you'd rather be able to see your options, display them out in the open. 

8. Consider cubbies

Individual cubbies, either built into the wall or on a freestanding unit like a cube shelf, could be a great place to display your shoes.

9. Service the help of shelves

Or, maybe you'd rather have long shelves, which could be installed beneath hanging clothes, to save space in the closet. 

10. Depend upon drawers

If you'd rather your shoes not be on display, add shallow drawers to your closet or mudroom, which would allow you to store many pairs in a compact area.

11. Contemplate a shoe cabinet

Another way to keep your shoes hidden from sight is by placing them in a shoe cabinet, which tilts open and closed for easy use. 

12. Decide upon a door organizer

If you're really tight on space, invest in an over-the-door shoe organizer, which could easily be added to any closet in the home.

13. Save some space

Another way to save space is by using shoe holders, which allow you to stack your shoes vertically instead of placing them side by side. Or, if stored on a shelf, turn one of the shoes in each pair so that they take up less space.

14. Up high or down low

While most keep their shoes at the bottom of their closet, if you would rather not bend over to see your options, store them higher up such as on a shelf above your clothes.

15. Place a label on each pair

If you store your shoes inside bins, you could label them either by brand or occasion, which would make it easier to find the pair you're looking for. Or, to keep it simple, you could keep the shoes in their original boxes. 
