15 Best Houseplants For Your Home If You're An Aquarius
There are many ways that one may go about purchasing a new houseplant. You could consider the sunlight in your home, the amount of time you can care for a plant each day, or your experience with houseplants in general. If you are trying to find a nice option based on these criteria, you'll likely find a great little houseplant that you can maintain easily. Yet, if you want to try something a bit different this season, let us pick out a plant based on your zodiac sign.
Aquarius folks, born between January 19 and February 18, are known for their intellect, humanitarianism, and idealistic nature. They are an air sign that enjoys their independence as much as they enjoy innovative art, technology, and ideas. An esoteric bunch, Aquariuses shouldn't immediately be written off as detached rebels. Their true nature is in healing, giving, and fighting for the greater good. Remember that the sign is represented by the water bearer, as explained by Cosmopolitan. The water bearer is a healing spirit who feeds the earth with the water necessary to create life. Not only does this make Aquariuses the perfect plant parent candidates, but it also means that owning plants meant for their sign can help increase their productivity and spiritual energy as they connect to this symbol. Continue browsing our collection of 15 houseplants to find exactly what Aquarius needs.
1. Bishop's hat cactus
The bishop's hat cactus (Astrophytum myriostigma) is a unique plant that receives its common name from its ribbed body that is sectioned into a star shape. One might say that this warm-weather plant reflects Aquariuses' no-nonsense behavior and upfront nature. This flowering succulent, as described by The University of Arizona, commands attention while also needing little maintenance to survive.
Bloom Season: Summer
USDA Growing Zone: 7 to 11
Growing Conditions: Bright indirect sunlight
Soil Type: Well-drained potting media
Size: Up to 5 feet tall
2. English ivy
English ivy (Hedera helix) is a well-known houseplant with trailing stems that grow very long. You can decorate your entire home with this indoor plant as it reaches adulthood. North Carolina State Extension mentions that this ivy plant can be weedy and aggressive, which can work for an Aquarius who is ready for a challenge.
Bloom Season: Fall and summer
USDA Growing Zone: 4 to 13
Growing Conditions: Bright to low indirect light
Soil Type: Well-draining potting media
Size: 20 to 80 feet long
3. ZZ plant
The ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is commonly grown indoors for its glossy leaves and tolerance for low light conditions, as per the University of Florida. Its unique energy mirrors that of Aquarius and reminds the sign that their quirks are what keep them independent.
Bloom Season: Mid-summer to fall
USDA Growing Zone: 9 to 10
Growing Conditions: Bright indirect light
Soil Type: Well-draining potting media
Size: 16 to 30 inches tall and 20 to 40 inches wide
4. Chinese money plant
The Chinese money plant (Pilea peperomioides) is considered a lucky species to keep in the home. Logee's points out that the plant is said to attract money and bring its caregiver good luck. This is helpful to the sign that is looking to change the world but needs a little more luck on their side to get started, as noted by Petal Republic.
Bloom Season: Winter
USDA Growing Zone: 10 to 11
Growing Conditions: Partial shade
Soil Type: Well-draining
Size: 8 to 12 inches tall
5. Calla lily
Exotic plants, such as calla lilies (Zantedeschia rehmannii), are among the best plants for Aquariuses to grow. Keeping a brightly flowering and foliage-filled houseplant in your home will allow you to tap into your natural creativity and bring forth a wave of inspiration. However, do make sure you know how to care for a calla lily plant properly. Longfield Gardens suggests bright indirect light, warm temperatures, and well-draining soil.
Bloom Season: Early to late spring
USDA Growing Zone: 8 to 10
Growing Conditions: Bright indirect sunlight
Soil Type: Well-draining potting media
Size: 1 to 2 feet tall
6. Yucca tree
Yucca trees (Yucca spp.) are another tropical houseplant credited with good energy that are easy to grow. In the home, the yucca cane tree shows off its wonderful foliage, which brightens your space. As a bonus, the leaves are also edible.
Bloom Season: Summer
USDA Growing Zone: 9 to 11
Growing Conditions: Bright indirect light
Soil Type: Well-draining potting media
Size: Up to 30 feet tall, much smaller container-grown
7. Majesty palm
The majesty palm (Ravenea rivularis) is a dramatic, yet simple, plant that shows off large fan-like leaves while also being relatively easy to grow. Like other palms, this one prefers warm temperatures, bright light, and well-draining soil. The Sill warns that the majesty palm can be easily overwatered or underwatered so be sure that you stick to a strict watering schedule.
Bloom Season: Spring to summer
USDA Growing Zone: 9 to 11
Growing Conditions: Bright indirect or direct light
Soil Type: Well-draining potting mix
Size: Up to 20 feet tall in ideal conditions
8. Air plant
Air plants (Tillandsia spp.) make sense for an Aquarius' home. A fixed air sign, Aquarius is sure to connect with this unusual plant that follows no rules but its own. Not only is the air plant extremely innovative, but it also steals the spotlight with its range of uses and nonspecific needs. Penn State Extension suggests hanging it from a wire, using it in vases, or positioning it in nooks.
Bloom Season: Only bloom once
USDA Growing Zone: 10 to 11
Growing Conditions: Indirect sunlight
Soil Type: Does not grow in soil
Size: 2 to 12 inches tall
9. Elephant ear plant
Elephant ear plants (Colocasia spp.) boast huge leaves. Most often, these leaves measure 2 feet wide, as per Longfield Gardens. If you have a spacious, empty corner in your home in need of some drama, this is the plant for the job. The elephant ear plant is known to need lots of water to survive. As the water-bearing symbol, according to Co-Star, it only makes sense for an Aquarius to raise it.
Bloom Season: Spring
USDA Growing Zone: 9 to 11
Growing Conditions: Bright indirect light
Soil Type: Well-draining potting media
Size: Large, varies by species
10. Money tree
Money trees (Pachira aquatica), like the Chinese money plant, are thought to attract money and good fortune. Known as a harbinger of positive energy, as said by the University of Arizona, this little tree can keep Aquariuses grounded during challenging times and encourage them to move forward with their plans to change the world.
Bloom Season: Spring
USDA Growing Zone: 9 to 11
Growing Conditions: Partial shade or indirect sunlight
Soil Type: Evenly moist, rich, and well-draining
Size: 16 to 20 feet tall, much smaller when grown indoors
11. Moth orchid
Horoscope.com states that the orchid is the flower of the Aquarius zodiac sign. Though there are many different kinds of orchids, moth orchids (Phalaenopsis spp.) are the easiest to grow, and they are very popular houseplants. The University of Maryland Extension credits the moth orchid for making this type of flower more accessible to the general public. This is because they are mass-produced and affordable.
Bloom Season: Winter to spring
USDA Growing Zone: 11 to 12
Growing Conditions: Bright indirect light
Soil Type: Loose potting medium
Size: No larger than 3 feet tall
12. Blue glow agave
The blue glow agave (Agave tequilana) is a lovely plant known for its many uses. It can be a landscape plant, a smaller houseplant, or it can be harvested for the production of tequila. Whether you enjoy the drink or not, Monrovia advises gardeners to keep this species dry, warm, and positioned in direct sunlight. We suggest this plant to Aquariuses for its hue that reflects their spirit color: blue.
Bloom Season: Blooms at maturity
USDA Growing Zone: 8 to 11
Growing Conditions: Bright indirect light
Soil Type: Well-draining
Size: 2 feet tall and wide
13. Aloe vera
Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis), which has similar foliage to the agave plant, could be a great indoor plant for any sign, but it has a special connection to Aquarius. The aloe plant produces a healing gel, as told by the University of Florida, that has regenerative, calming, and cooling properties. For Aquarius, the aloe plant's presence symbolizes these energies even when you aren't using its gel.
Bloom Season: Late winter to spring
USDA Growing Zone: 8 to 11
Growing Conditions: Bright indirect light
Soil Type: Well-draining potting mix
Size: Up to 2 feet tall
14. Catnip
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) can be grown indoors or out. According to Missouri Botanical Garden, the medicinal herb has been used for a long time, and the tea made from it is thought to reduce anxiety, promote restful sleep, soothe itchy throats, and subdue upset stomachs. For the Aquariuses who spend their days working on bettering the world, their nights may be made more relaxing by growing and harvesting catnip.
Bloom Season: Spring to fall
USDA Growing Zone: 3 to 7
Growing Conditions: Bright indirect light
Soil Type: Well-draining potting mix
Size: 2 to 3 feet tall and wide
15. Pothos
Proflowers calls Aquarius the sign of humanitarianism. Pothos plants (Epipremnum aureum) are a great plant for a humanitarian. They are known to be easy to care for and no fuss. Like Aquarius, they contribute to the greater good as they make the world more comfortable. According to The Sill, you should keep this plant in a warm environment with some indirect sunlight.
Bloom Season: Does not flower
USDA Growing Zone: 10 to 12
Growing Conditions: Bright to low indirect light
Soil Type: Well-draining potting media
Size: 6 to 10 feet long