5 Budget-Friendly Trash Cans To Add Some Style To Your Bathroom

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Having an aesthetically pleasing bathroom is a good feeling, and wanting everything to look curated and classy is normal. However, certain elements within this space can feel out of place or create off-putting air, like a trash can. It can be difficult to find a bin that fits in with your theme or designs, but it is a necessary item for any bathroom and can't be overlooked. Instead of hiding plain receptacles or trying to disguise mismatching ones, why not find stylish and budget-friendly options that complement your overall aesthetic?

These days, every store from Amazon to Target offers fun, appealing trashcans that fit in with almost any motif. Sleek options don't have to be pricey, and the following selections will give your bathroom a boost without breaking the bank. From marble overlays to wicker designs, these inexpensive buys will leave guests and family members impressed with your sharp eye for style. In addition, according to Levine & Sons, having a trashcan readily available will encourage people to dispose of refuse in the bin rather than the toilet, avoiding clogged pipes over time.

1. Go for gold

Metal trashcans and wastebaskets don't have to be made of plastic or mesh to be simple and nondescript. In fact, depending on your bathroom's theme, a bold, louder bin can make the other accents in the space pop. If you have a classic, subtle yet elegant room filled with gold, silver, and even bronze, adding in a metal trashcan of the same colors can pull the entire aesthetic together. Popular Mechanics recommends thinking about your existing space and pairing the trashcan to match that style while avoiding contrast. For example, don't bring in wicker or farmhouse adjacent options if you are aiming to produce a sleeker space.

This gold-colored can from Amazon would fit in well with fixtures of the same hue and will blend seamlessly without pulling too much attention to its actual purpose. Polished metals always exude a glam vibe, so if that is the style you're already channeling, this $23.49 purchase is a no-brainer and still keeps the budget under $25. While it isn't necessarily understated, the gold embraces the vivid scheme of a showy bathroom without stealing the show. This model also comes in options like silver, rose gold, and bronze, all of which can still work with a glamorous or elegant aesthetic.

2. Wickerware

If your bathroom theme leans into farmhouse chic or country aesthetics, a wicker trashcan is one of the simplest ways to tie it in with the décor. Not only does this material look rustic, but it adds extra texture that can blend well with other ornaments. If you have tissue boxes, toothbrush holders, or other baskets that boast wicker, too, they all work together with the waste bin to create a wild but classy atmosphere.

There is a wide variety of wicker trashcans on both the internet and in brick-and-mortar stores, and their price points range from extremely affordable to pricey. If you're looking for a budget-friendly option, the Woven Water Hyacinth Wicker Wastebasket on Amazon is a great fit for almost any cottage, farmhouse, or countryside theme. It sells for $20.95 and offers a small, compact size that fits nicely between cabinets and fixtures. According to DigsDigs, using wicker is a huge part of the motif whenever you're working with these interior design schemes. It used to be considered an outdoor material, but now it works in any setting, especially as your bathroom trashcan.

3. Shapeshifting styles

Finding the right trashcan isn't just about the color or finish. You can explore different shapes and sizes to match your décor, branching out from the standard rectangle or circle models. Having a statement can will make the concept more fun, pulling attention away from the fact that it's used for refuse and instead focusing on the engaging shape. If your bathroom exudes an eclectic or playful air, this Plastic Diamond Shape Trashcan from Amazon for $25.59 is a fun addition and comes in a variety of colors.

Opting for funky shapes in a smaller space can transform the ambiance from plain to exciting. According to Noken Porcelanosa Bathrooms, using these oversimple designs brings both balance and visual stimulation, providing depth and dimension. While no one loves the idea of trash being a centerpiece of their home, turning the narrative around and bringing it to the forefront will distract from what the can is holding and make it about décor.

4. Why not wood?

Many homes these days feature wood heavily, be it in the flooring, furniture, ornaments, or structure, so opting for a wood trashcan might be second nature. Depending on your bathroom's theme and decorations, a washed wood bin like the Liantral Wood Trash Can from Amazon will fit in with a multitude of designs. From farmhouse to modern motifs, this affordable option will give a vintage feel to any area.

Finding an appealing wastebasket can be tedious, especially if you want it to look a certain way and offer good quality design. For $26.99, this real wood can is the ideal complement to your space and won't draw too much attention with the subtle coloring. The material can also be associated with a spa-like atmosphere, providing a calming backdrop for whoever is using the room. According to The Bathtubber, natural elements like wood bring a soothing ambiance that is also grounding, making this addition an easy way to introduce these emotions into your bathroom.

5. Make it mesh

While mesh trashcans might make you think of dorm rooms or office cubicles, this material can actually fit a lot of themes. For example, if your bathroom boasts industrial décor, a black mesh can will subtly build on the existing elements and pull them together even more. Of course, brushed or matte black finishes work with a number of other concepts, too, which is why these are such popular choices for wastebaskets in general.

Mesh is lightweight and simple to place in smaller spaces, and adding an opaque plastic bag to hold refuse will keep it from looking messy or offputting. Wayfair's Areverne 4 Gallon Open Wastebasket is all about no-fuss usage, and the website even confirms it is ideal for contemporary designs. Amron Architectural notes that mesh is versatile and provides a functional material for various needs. For example, using it in your bathroom will provide a necessary vessel and work within the space to boost the décor.
