Add A Splash Of Color And Scent To Your Home With This DIY Salt Decor

Appeal to the eyes, nose, and wallet with a super-easy, ultra-cheap room freshener you can whip up in minutes. This is one of many clever ways to reuse old glass jars around the house. Layer one up with dyed salt in complementary colors, or fill it with one lovely hue. Infuse the mixture with essential oils in your favorite aromas, and you'll have a tantalizing scent boost for any space that needs it!


Gather a clear (preferably glass) container with a wide mouth, some salt, a few shades of food coloring, some smaller containers for mixing, and your favorite essential oil. You can reuse a candle jar, a baby food container, or a shallow jelly jar. Fill the clean and dry jar about ½ to 1 inch from the lip with table salt. For a single-color air freshener, pour the salt into a food processor, along with a few drops each of food coloring and essential oil. Pulse the mixture a couple of times to distribute the dye and scent evenly. Pour the concoction into your jar, and it's ready to perfume your home.

If you want to layer several colors of salt, divide the jar's contents into equal portions, matching the number of colors you want to use. Process each color separately and clean and dry the food processor equipment between each color. Pour layers in alternating colors and thicknesses into the jar, and place it in a stinky spot where it's not likely to be knocked over.


Chalk up another variation

If you don't have food coloring, no problem! Raid the craft closet for some colored chalk. For this technique, swap out your food processor for a large piece of craft paper or repurposed parchment paper. Measure out the quantity of salt you'll need, as you did above, and divide them into portions you'll color with chalk colors. Pour one portion of salt onto the paper, and spread it into a thin layer. Rub colored chalk rolling pin-style over the salt, grinding the color into the grains. To save a few steps, you can also mix colors by stirring a bowl or cup of salt with a stick of chalk. When you've ground in enough chalk to get a satisfying color, funnel the salt into your mixing container, and stir in a few drops of essential oil. Do this for each color, and layer them into your glass jar.


Opt for more visual value with a bit of manipulation. If you want to see something more interesting than flat layers, move each salt layer into hills and valleys before adding the next color. Get a more dramatic wave effect by tilting the jar as you pour in each grouping of salt. If your jar has a wide enough mouth, nestle a tealight candle into the surface of the salt. When it's lit, the heat from the candle will heighten the scent of the essential oils.

