Your Handy Guide To Installing A Toilet Paper Holder

Looking at the slew of instructions after picking the best toilet paper holder for your space can be confusing at best and overwhelming at worst. After all, there are too many things you need to consider, including the ideal space to mount your toilet paper holder in a bathroom, determining the bracket position, and attaching the holder to the mounted bracket. But don't worry. Here's your handy guide to installing a toilet paper holder. The first step is to gather the materials and tools needed for your DIY project.

You'll need a pencil, painter's (or masking) tape, drill, drill bits, measuring tape, screwdriver, stud finder, level, hammer, small nail, scissors, toilet roll holder, and its accompanying hardware (this is usually included with the holder). You'll also find a template (look for the instruction manual) for the hardware. If you don't see one inside, check the side of the box for one. Once you've got everything, wear protective goggles and a face mask to protect your nose, eyes, and mouth from dust and debris.

Prep and determine the mounting location

Begin by prepping the area for your toilet paper dispenser. Wipe the surface clean to remove the accumulated dust, debris, or moisture to ensure a smooth installation. Additionally, unplug devices near the surface and secure any loose wires to minimize unwarranted accidents. Now, set all the gathered tools within arm's reach and determine the mounting location for your toilet paper holder.

Generally, you'd want to mount the holder around 8 to 12 inches away from the toilet. The ideal distance depends on the type of user. For instance, 8 to 9 inches is perfect for children or short individuals. Contrastingly, tall people will appreciate a distance of 10 to 12 inches from the toilet. Regarding the height, try to position the holder 26 inches off the floor for easier reach. That being said, the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) recommends maintaining a distance of 7 to 9 inches and a maximum height of 48 inches for disabled people.

Drill holes in the wall for the mounting bracket

Now that you have the desired location for the holder cut out your template and tape it to the wall in the marked area. Try to use painter's (or masking) tape to minimize damage to the wall paint. The taped template will serve as a guide and help you drill into the wall accurately. In case your toilet roll dispenser did not come with a template, position your brackets against the wall and mark the drill holes with a pencil. Next, use a level to check that the template (or marked drill holes) is straight so your installation doesn't end up crooked. If your template (or the marked holes) isn't level, adjust its position until it is.

Once the position is squared away, use a stud finder to locate studs in the wall. If you don't have a dedicated finder handy, find your wall studs with just a magnet and string. In the absence of studs in the wall, grab a few drywall anchors. Use a small nail and hammer to create tiny holes in the wall so the drill fits in snugly and prevents accidental slipping. Fit the suggested (per the manufacturer's instructions) drill bit on the drill to get the desired hole. Now, remove the template from the wall and grab your mounting bracket. If using wall anchors, put them in place with a hammer first.

Secure the mounting brackets and add the finishing touches

Once you have the required holes (and anchors) in place, use a clean cloth to wipe away the debris and dust. After the area is clean, position the mounting brackets over the drilled holes and use a screwdriver to fasten the screws (included with the holder) to the wall and secure the brackets. Step back and examine your handiwork to see if it requires any adjustments. Finally, place the posts (the visible holder hardware) over the mounted brackets.

Check for the upward-pointed arrow (or another criterion) to position it in the right direction. If the posts feature additional holes in the bottom, slip in the screws and tighten them to ensure the post is fitted snugly against the bracket and wall. It's recommended to use a hex key or Allen wrench for these small screws. Gently tug the holder to check if it's secure or needs a little more tightening. Once satisfied, slide your toilet paper roll(s) inside, and you're done. The final step is to grab a vacuum to clean the accumulated debris from the floor.