Use This Simple Bathroom Tile Rule To Get A Luxe Look

Your bathroom remodel and design ideas are a vital part of creating a space that looks luxe and sophisticated. You might consider elements like lighting, color scheme, and shower design when aiming to achieve an elegant aesthetic. However, the bathroom tile layout you select arguably makes the biggest difference. Colorful, patterned mosaics can give a bathroom a completely different look from plain, neutral-toned tiles. You can also play with textures and materials when it comes to bathroom tiles. Every decision can have a big aesthetic influence, and using the same tile for both your bathroom floors and your bathroom walls is a great way to help the space look more opulent.

This simple bathroom design rule creates a cohesive look that gives the space a high-end feel. Using two different types of tile for your bathroom walls and bathroom floors can be a helpful design trick when you are going for a more eclectic vibe. However, installing matching tiles on both surfaces makes the area look more luxurious and well-put-together overall. Consider this approach if you prefer a bathroom that looks uniform.

Using matching tiles creates a cohesive look

Designers use matching tile throughout a bathroom to make the space feel more expensive, as shown in the TikTok video posted @101residential. You might have noticed that the example in the clip has the feel of a bathroom at a high-end resort thanks to the cohesive floor and wall tiles. If you would like to recreate this look in your own home, there are a few things you should keep in mind to help pull off this aesthetic effortlessly.

Tiles for bathroom floors and bathroom walls are typically designed differently. For the most part, you will not be able to simply purchase bathroom wall tiles and apply them to your floors. Floor tiles are typically bigger than wall tiles, and they are also designed to be more durable to withstand foot traffic. Wall tiles are thinner. As a result, they are also cheaper. While you cannot use the different types of tile interchangeably, you should still be able to find both wall tiles and floor tiles with the same design. 

Matching tile throughout your bathroom can also get expensive. Contractors may charge more for installing the same type of tile on walls and floors. These higher installation costs are often associated with special high-end tiles that are designed to be used on both walls and floors so that homeowners do not have to make separate purchases. Make sure to take this into consideration when budgeting for this installation.

Benefits of matching bathroom tile

Along with giving your bathroom a more luxe look, matching bathroom tiles also provide quite a few additional benefits. For example, they allow for more customization and creativity than you might think. You do not necessarily have to use matching tiles with the exact same look on both your walls and floors. If you prefer a cohesive aesthetic but would like to add a bit more character, you can use the same color tiles but incorporate different textures. Accent tiles are a great way to add a pop of color or a pattern of your choice to your matching floors and walls too.

Another benefit of this tile tip is that it makes cleaning your bathroom easier. Different bathroom tile materials require different cleaning products and regimens. If you use the exact same tiles throughout the room, you do not have to worry about purchasing separate cleaning products and tools for two different materials. This will help you save a bit of money as well, which is great considering that matching tile installation costs extra.